When you commence your new building project it is important that you and your builder are on the same page. Completing this questionnaire will help us to understand what you want, where you are up to in your building journey, your concerns and what you still need to know.
Our focus will be on your experience so share as much as you can at this time.
Please complete this form as soon as possible and preferably within 24 hours of receiving it.
Your New Building Project Details
Essential Questions - to help us understand you better
Your Previous Building Experience
If YES, please answer the following 3 questions.
If NO, please go directly to Your Project Planning
Your Project Planning
For more information on permits: https://www.vba.vic.gov.au/consumers/home-renovation-essentials/permits
Your Project Budgeting
This is always a sensitive area that feels intrusive we know. It is however an important one so that our process can give you real advice as early as possible about best matching your dreams with your budget.
Any other information that you would like us to know